JUMBO AcousticWALL 63/120/S56

There are a number of reasons that high levels of environmental noise are becoming critical. These include increasing population and population density, increasing volumes of road, rail and air traffic and for extended periods, and increased intrusion into commercial and industrially zoned areas.

The effects of excessive noise levels in homes and offices have been widely researched. They include annoyance, anger and frustration, and they have been linked to health problems such as loss of sleep and sleep quality, heart disease, hypertension and psychiatric disorders. For these reasons, designers should carefully consider the products and systems used in houses and commercial office space with regards to their acoustic performance.

Our JUMBO AcousticWALL 63/120/S56 was tested and received an excellent sound rating of 56 RwDB, one of the highest sound ratings in it’s class.


Features and Benefits include:-

  • 56 RwDB sound rating
  • 120 min fire rating
  • Excellent sound absorption (controlling reflection)
  • Control of reverberation time
  • A smooth finished surface provided by recessed edges